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Our Story

Michael (Mike) Winters grew up in Ontario but had the chance to live, work and play across Canada. He has enjoyed any opportunity with the outdoors and our world’s natural treasures. This passion has been passed and shared with his two teenage boys in their family activities. His global exploration has shown both the beauty of this world but also how fragile it can be without responsible care and attention. He has seen the good, bad and the ugly, from dying coral reefs in the Caribbean to coral nurseries in the Florida Keys for reef rehabilitation to community plastic garbage clean-ups both above and below the water surface.

Mike, a Mechanical Engineer, grew his career success within a Multinational Energy corporation. This was his catalyst into an awareness and ignited passion for the environment.  His career evolution led him into managing Green Energy projects that created energy efficiency, less waste and toxin repercussions on our environment. This new venture allows another platform for Mike to continue with his journey. 


Don Liddle grew up with a passion for the outdoors and an ingrained affiliation towards nature and for the environment. His story began at early age;  a family history based on sustainability and conservation. His family’s tourism business in Canada’s North required a long-term commitment to our natural resources to ensure a sustainable future. 

Recently, Don and his family embarked on an international adventure visiting some of the world’s most beautiful natural places. He was struck by how humans have been negatively impacting the environment by the amount of garbage and plastic waste polluting these areas. On his return, determined to help make a difference, he focused his efforts on natural based ingredients and overall product life-cycle.